“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
- Anais Nin -


Value Driven


Christine Menna, LCSW

Welcome! I’m glad your journey has brought you here today.

Do you feel like you’re hiding the real you?  Do you worry that you make decisions based more on other people’s approval rather than your own sense of truth?  Do you feel disconnected from yourself and your relationships?  Do you desire to live your most authentic life? Maybe you don’t know what it looks like. You might even feel afraid to find out. 

Life can feel scary at times.  And sometimes we face moments that overwhelm us, that cause us to shut down and disconnect. It might not feel good, but it’s our best attempt to protect ourselves from more pain.  The hard truth is that, despite our best efforts and intentions, avoiding the pain causes suffering too.  We lose track of ourselves and it makes it impossible to really connect with others.  

I’m here to offer you a different way.  Through my experience as a therapist, I know that when we are able to sit with difficult emotions, memories, and traumas, we can work through them. We can change the way they impact us and our ability to live our most vital lives.   

You’re not alone in your struggles and you don’t have to face them on your own.  I’m not afraid of your pain and I can help you hold the broken parts so that you can mend.  Trained in trauma work and deep emotional processing, I will walk alongside you and offer safety as we explore and heal painful memories.  

You can learn to listen to yourself, speak your truth, and live courageously and vulnerably.  You can move forward from the past.  You can feel connected in your relationships with yourself and others.  You can live your most authentic, value-driven life.  I’d be honored to be a part of your journey.

To learn more about my group practice, visit Sōhum Therapy

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